Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Meditation: Part 1 - A ‘life changing pill’


There is a life changing pill………………

The side effects of this pill:

·         Boosts your immune system, helping you to fight of colds, flus and bugs.
·         Gives you an energy lift - think of it as a caffeine free energy hit!
·         Can help with weigh loss.
·         Helps with stress related pain like headaches, muscle aches.
·         Helps you sleep better at night.
·         Can help auto immune symptoms, and hormonal problems.
·         Lower your blood pressure and help with other stress related illnesses.
·         Reduces anxiety, enabling you to manage stressful situations more easily.
·         Helps you think with clarity and concentration, reducing the mental fog.
·         Improves your memory skills - (since meditating regularly for a few years I can remember things like phone numbers and bank card details)
·         Makes you feel happier and more stable.
·         Improves your intuition and imagination - when you have space from mental chatter you make room to tune into life and be creative.  It is surprising how many good ideas I get while meditating or just after!
·         Improves your patience - helping you to be calmer in stressful situations.

·         Helps to create space in your mind to actually answer some of the questions you have about your life.  A little bit like the way you get great ideas and answers to your problems when you are sitting on the toilet, or taking a bath or shower.  For your mind to be effective it needs to be relaxed and calm.
·         Helps you to focus on the positive things in your life.
·         Reduces your need to use alcohol, cigarettes and other prescription and non-prescription drugs.
·         Can help with other additive behaviours like eating disorders, gambling and porn.
If I offered you a pill that could help you with all these things,
 I think a lot of people would say-
'How much?' and ‘Where can I get it from?’
What does this ‘life changing pill’ cost?
 Only five or ten minutes a day
(Remember there are 1440 minutes in the day so I guess you could fit it in!)
This life changing pill is meditation!
We hear about the positive effects of meditation but it hasn’t become fully integrated into the social mainstream yet.  It is still viewed as a bit ‘out there’, a bit ‘hippyish’ or a just a bit weird.  I want to help everyone to realise that meditation is simple and do-able. And that you can tap into this free source of stress relief and calmness on a daily basis. You don’t need any special equipment to meditate and it is something you can do almost anywhere.
“Meditation is the ultimate mobile device; you can use it anywhere, anytime, unobtrusively.”  
Sharon Salzberg
False beliefs about meditation:
You need to sit on the floor cross-legged or in the lotus position.
You need to burn incense or look at candle
You have to chant mantras or make funny noises.
You need to be in a room full of other ‘odd’ chanting people.
Meditation is religious.
You have to sit there for an hour to gain any benefit.
To do it ‘right’ you should will have a totally clear mind, free of any thoughts
The meditation ‘habit’
You can begin see meditation as an integral part of your mental hygiene.  In the same way we clean our teeth every day to prevent tooth decay, meditation can prevent the decay of your mental health and happiness.  We all have ingrained habits in our lives; like washing our hands after we go to the toilet, cleaning our teeth in the morning and before we go to sleep, smoking after your food, taking your vitamin pill with your breakfast, drinking a glass of wine after work etc.  All habits are just learnt by repeating something over and over again.  We can instil new habits easily just by repeating a behaviour or action over and over again.  Meditation is just another habit you have yet to embed in your daily life.
I often hear people say "Oh I can’t meditate, I’m too busy." or "I can’t meditate I can’t sit still" or ‘I don’t need to meditate’. 

I heard a quote  that basically said: ‘The people that think they don’t have time to meditate are the people that need to meditate the most.’   The same goes for people who are on the go all day long, who never sit still and always busy themselves with something.  They are the ones who will benefit from the clam, stillness and peace of meditation the most.  Everyone can benefit from the positive effects of meditation somehow.  Sadly it often takes a break down or a negative event in our lives for us to seek out meditation.   I feel that if everyone meditated regularly then people would be less likely to reach breaking point and would be able to handle stressful situations with more ease. 
 Why wait until you are broken and your batteries are flat to start meditating?
What are your excuses?........Start today!

Read Part 2 'Meditation A Habit' - I explain how to make meditation part of your daily routine and go through a simple 5 minute meditation routine.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and hope it will benefit you in some way

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Live healthily, live happily Ruth @ FMHH



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